Terms & Conditions


*This document will next be updated in January 2025

Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts has a professional duty to provide children with appropriate safety and protection. As the welfare of the child is paramount, we are committed to providing safe equipment and facilities so the children may participate in course/programmes in a secure environment. Additionally, we promote ethical behaviour, providing children with a sense of being valued. On this basis, we aim to ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed, to establish the suitability of personnel to work with children.

 It is ultimately the responsibility of owner, Natasha Kiddle, to ensure that this statement and related procedures are published and accessible to all personnel, candidates and any relevant third parties. It is also the responsibility of Natasha Kiddle to ensure that all staff are fully aware of this policy and act in accordance with the policy.

In order to provide safety, protection and security to children throughout our operations we will adhere to our child protection policy and aim to:

 ● Protect all children from abuse, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, ethnic origin, religious beliefs or sexuality

● Raise awareness of child protection issues and promote good practice

 ● Conduct risk assessments to minimise potential hazards to children’s welfare

● Provide support to candidates who have been abused and act proactively by preventing any similar incidents through risk assessment

 ● Ensure all staff fully understand their responsibilities and are provided with the appropriate training/regular updates of the legislation

 ● Adhere to the latest legislation on ‘keeping children safe in education’

In achieving our policy aims and being proactive, we have developed procedures related to the recruitment of personnel and how allegations of child abuse should be dealt with. In light of this, we implement safe recruitment practices, in checking the suitability of personnel to work with children.

 Summary of the Personnel Recruitment


Applicants are required to complete an application form (which may lead to a subsequent interview) which contains explicit information about their past. These are required to be returned to the relevant department and the member of personnel managing the recruitment process. Where applicants will take significant responsibility for safeguarding children during activities within Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts they will be required to complete an Enhanced Level Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Personnel are selected on their suitability to meet the job/role-related requirements and responsibilities, and their ability to demonstrate that they can work safely with children. Applicants will receive confirmation in writing relating to the outcome of their application / interview. If the outcome is positive, arrangements are made for induction and any relevant training, which includes clarification of activity requirements, responsibilities and child protection procedures and further identification of training needs. New members of personnel are then required to confirm their agreement to abide by the Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts policies and procedures, including the child protection policy, in writing. Awareness of child protection practice will continue to be addressed via ongoing training.

Every Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts club manager will have at least a level 1 safeguarding training a paediatric first aid qualification. Before offering a role, any candidate must have two references from well-respected sources (e.g. previous employers) including the candidates last known employer.

We will often make an assessment on a candidate’s ability based on an interview or trial day. For this interview or trial day we do not expect the candidate to have a Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts enhanced DBS. They will however, at no time, be left unsupervised with a group of children and must always work alongside an existing member of Challenge Sport & Education Ltd staff.

Work Experience & Interviews Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts offer work experience to students. The students will not be DBS checked by Kiddle’s Arts Crafts & Performing Arts however will undergo a risk assessment and full health & safety assessment before starting with us. They will under no circumstances be able to supervise children alone.

Allegations / Complaints All allegations and complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with as soon as is practicable in line with our complaints procedure.

 Making a Complaint / Allegation against an Employee To make an official complaint against an employee you can either complete and submit our Complaints Procedure or contact Natasha Kiddle (07359440538)

 Once an allegation has been made against an employee the following will take place:

1) If not already done so the person making the allegation will be asked to formulate the complaint In writing to Natasha Kiddle ( info@kiddlesartscraftsandperformingarts.com)

2) In non-extreme cases (see below for definition), when an allegation is made against an employee we will try to come up with a solution that will satisfy the person complaining. If the person complaining is satisfied the case will be closed. If the person complaining is not satisfied we will then we will invite them for a meeting for further consultation

 4) For extreme cases (see below for definition) we will refer the complaint to the Hertfordshire LADO. You can also make a complaint directly to them by calling 01992 555420 or 0300 123 4040

Definition of extreme cases:

 ● Where an employee has behaved in a way that has, or may have harmed a child;

 ● Possibly committed a criminal offence against / related to a child;

 ● Behaved toward a child in a way that indicates he or she would pose a risk of harm.

Making a Complaint / Allegation against the owner To make a complaint against the owner then you should either contact LADO on 01992 555420 or 0300 123 4040, OFSTED on 0300 123 1231 or the Hertfordshire Safeguarding board on 0300 123 4043

The process will then be confirmed by one of the above boards

Policy If an employee wishes to whistleblow on either another employee or owner In this case they can follow the above process they feel most comfortable with. In instances where they will be whistleblowing on the owner, they must follow the ‘Making a Complaint / Allegation against a Director’ guidance

Concerns for a child If at any club or class a member of our staff believes a child may be put in danger or a vulnerable position with a parent or carer, we have a duty to report this to both OFSTED and child services. In extreme cases the police may also be called.

Employees will have to use their judgment as to which of the above to call. If there is no time sensitivity the owner should be informed first.

Mobile Phone Policy When working at any club or class, members of staff will need access to their mobile phones. The manager will lead all communication, examples of communication cover:

 1) Status of a child being collected

2) Confirmation of late bookings / amendments

3) First aid with children

 4) Reporting on final register numbers

 At no point will mobile phones be used to take pictures unless parents have authorised photos to be used for Social media and advertising, or any other agreement made with the parent or carer.

Medical Incidents If whilst in our care an incident occurs that requires a child to receive medical intention then the following process takes place:

Non serious injuries:

1. First aid administered, details including where, when and who are recorded on our incident report forms.

2. Forms are signed by parents who are welcome to take a copy.

For serious injuries:

1. First aid administered, details including where, when and who are recorded on our incident report forms. If an ambulance is needed, call the ambulance.

 2. Parent phoned to notify and update.

3. Follow up according to type of injury

Administering medicine: If we are asked to administer medicine we will always ensure there is a witness and record when the medicine was administered, how much was given and who by. Parents will need to provide the medicine with a label on explaining how much to administer and when.

End of Day Policy Dismissal: For after school childcare courses parents or carers will be asked to provide the full names and relationship of those authorised to collect the child. The child will be asked to identify the person collecting. Should the club manager in charge of dismissal not feel confident that an authorised collector is present, further investigations are to be carried out and ID will be asked for.

Employee - Change of Circumstance Employees who are in regular contact with children who are affected by a significant event which is likely to affect the suitability of them to work with children must inform the owner before their next working day. Examples of a change of circumstance could include a change of address and who the employee lives with, criminal convictions either to the employee or to anyone they live with.

All changes of circumstances will be notified to OFSTED and if the employee is disqualified from working with children then they will either be changed to a role with no contact with children or, if the disqualification falls under gross misconduct, reprimanded as such.

Relevant Phone Numbers

LADO (allegations) 01992 555420 or 0300 123 4040

OFSTED on 0300 123 1231

Hertfordshire Safeguarding board 0300 123 4043

Prevent (Concern with extremism): 020 7340 7264

All polices are reviewed and, if required, amended every January

Arts & Crafts related clubs, workshops, camps and schools - Contract – Information and Terms

·      The specified parent or carer must collect the child at the time specified. Should an un-named parent or carer need to collect your child please email or call in advance to inform the manager.

·      A register of attendance is kept by the manager.

·      The manager is to have first aid training relevant to the age group and all unsupervised club workers are to have an in date DBS check. All camp workers are to be aware of emergency procedures & fire exits. The manager is to have a list of contacts for all parents at hand at all times – further details outlined in our Child protection policy

·      All children are escorted to the toilet by a camp teacher or assistant when deemed too young to go in pairs.

·      All details given to the camp such as email addresses, telephone numbers etc are kept safe according to GDPR laws.

·      Parents & Carers are responsible for ensuring that their child’s specific needs are communicated to management, eg. Allergies, learning difficulties etc. The manager will ensure that these points are considered when teaching the child

·      Please note that we are 'Nutt Free' and children are not allowed to share food or drink due to allergies. 

·      Please dress your child in something comfortable that you do not mind getting dirty. Although we have aprons & use water-based products, it is possible that some activities will get rather messy!!!

·      Should a child feel significantly unwell (mentally or physically) whilst in our care, the parent or guardian will be informed and an action plan created

·      All incidences or injuries are logged in the camp ‘Accident and emergency’ book. Parents and Carers are informed of such accidents or injuries within a reasonable time of the event – further information is outlined in the Child protection policy

·      We have an anti-bullying and violence policy. Should there be any cases or concerns of violence or bullying, the manager will formulate a plan and work together with the parents and carers involved to rectify the issue

·      All children are managed in a gentle and encouraging fashion, should a child behave in a way that threatens the safety of themselves or others the club manager will formulate a plan and work together with the parents and carers involved to rectify the issue

·      The use of art materials and tools are decided according to the capability levels of the children in the class. Children are supervised whilst using all tools and materials - further information is outlines in the Child protection policy

Special notes for Baby & Toddler Music clubs & classes:

·      The use of instruments, toys etc are decided according to the capability levels of the children in the class. Children are supervised whilst using all tools and materials - further information is outlined in the Child protection policy. It is however the responsibility of the escorting parent or carer to override the club should they feel a tool is not safe for a child in their care.

LAMDA Exams at AHS & On-line

What are LAMDA exams?

Overseen by the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, LAMDA exams may be best described as the drama equivalent to music exams. The structure is often performing a prepared piece, followed by a discussion with the examiner. LAMDA offers a range of exams, but the ones we offer include Acting and Public Speaking. The level of the exam ranges from introductory to grades 1-8, and the higher grades come with medals and can also contribute UCAS points to university applications. It’s a great way to boost confidence and hone your performance and communication skills. LAMDA is a fun and creative way of building core skills as well as getting a certificate and a QCA accredited exam.

When and Where?

The 1-2-1 tutoring sessions take place during the school day at AHS. Students will have a fixed slot during break/lunch/a free period, non-core subjects, which will rotate termly to avoid missing the same subject for long periods of time. We schedule the sessions at the start of term, and try our best to accommodate any clashes. Should a student be unable to attend a scheduled lesson, where possible we will try to switch lesson time with another student to accommodate, if this is not possible homework will be set instead. Remote lessons are pre-set and agreed to by both parties.

How do I take an exam?

LAMDA exams can be taken online, but we can also arrange for them to be taken in person by travelling to a LAMDA centre. The closest centre to Aylesbury is in London. However, we are looking into the possibility of getting a LAMDA examiner to travel to AHS for exam days.

Contact Policy

AHS have updated their policy on self-employed staff having contact with students. Therefore, all email communications must be through parents. Becky and Tash will sometimes need to email students directly (send through their schedule or copies of pieces), but will always cc in parents for these communications. Students are allowed to come out of lessons no more than twice a week for extra-curricular tuition such as LAMDA and Music lessons. Please liaise with Mrs Hughes if, e.g. you already have 2 music lessons a week.


Should your class or club be cancelled due to an emergency ( ill health or otherwise) refunds will only be offered for individual bookings. Any club / class that is part of a series will be made up for at a convenient time to both parties. Should a child miss a pre-paid class, club, camp, lesson or workshop, a refund is not guaranteed although may be granted in extreme cases.